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. Tree Farmer Alert

Monday, March 7, 2011

Over 700 readers and growing!

Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

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The New Field Guide to Diseases & Insects of the Rocky Mountain Region

This field guide details the most commonly encountered diseases and insects of forest trees in the Rocky Mountain Region.,



To Help Protect Forests, Take Action With Your Local Tree Farmer

Colorado has experienced multiple severe threats to the health of its forests over the past decade. It is enough to discourage the most dedicated Tree Farmer, and  forest landowners who are not in the American Tree Farm System are particularly susceptible to insidious little remarks like “Nothing can be done about it."



ATFS Honors Colorado Tree Farmer

We are pleased to announce the 2010 National Field Leadership Award winner for having demonstrated outstanding commitment to education and outreach.



Grant Training for Biomass Projects

Please see our announcement for upcoming training opportunity for grant writing for Woody Biomass Energy and Wood Products Utilization projects April 5-7 in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.  In partnership with Colorado’s Governors Energy Office, our in depth session will help businesses, local governments, nonprofit organizations and communities, prepare, submit, and be awarded funds for woody biomass projects in today’s increasingly competitive funding environment.  Please Note space is limited so register early to confirm your attendance.

Tim Reader
Utilization & Marketing Forester
Colorado State Forest Service
Durango, Colorado



Dave Lentz made an important point about my "rip the bark" comments.  Dave wrote the following:   "I did see your response to the "Rip the Bark" article.  I was wondering about the last sentence, transporting infested wood to the urban areas.  Why would we consider increasing the pressure on the trees in the urban areas?  I do not think that the local governments would think that this is a good idea. Just wondering."

My intent was to consider the ramifications of transporting infested wood to non-infested (urban) areas.  It isn't possible to control mpb driven by winds but we can control firewood or product movement.  If the product is firewood then a year of drying before selling and transporting would generally eliminate the risk of moving mpb.  Some municipalities such as Fort Collins have an ordinance that does not permit moving infested wood into the city and is enforced to protect urban conifers.  My apology if I caused any confusion.

David J. Hattis, CF                          
Forester / Silviculturist
Arapaho/Roosevelt National Forests
Canyon Lakes Ranger District
Office 970.295.6747
Work email: dhattis@fs.fed.us





Please send your questions regarding any forest management related issues to stumpmaker@gmail.com We'll find an answer for you.

Join Us if you would like to go on our tours, question our experts, or share information on forest ecology and forest management with our members


Landowners who attend one of our tours in 2010 will receive the Colorado Tree Farmer's forest management manual, "Saving Your Forest". Currently certified Tree Farmers can get a manual by bringing a neighbor or friend to one of our tours.